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Showing posts from 2016

Early Upswing

In my previous blog I explained about the first phase of Economic cycle that is the Initial Recovery which lasted for few months.India as an economy has moved to the second phase of the economic cycle that is the Early Upswing. This phase is characterize by high growth and low inflation which last for one year to several years. Here are some of the signs of Early Upswing Rising stock prices :- Stock prices across all the segment starting to rise. Primarily if we see sector wise all cement stocks ,metal stocks,specialty chemicals , 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler stocks ,FMCG space most of the stocks are making fresh highs. 2 things have given boost to the economy one is good rainfall and second is the 7th pay commission. Index is making higher top higher bottom and about to make 52 week high. Business confidence :- Business confidence is primarily rising which can be easily been seen with amount of deal happening in the economy. Assets whether its power sector,metal,Telecom...